Kubernetes Ingress

Kubernetes Ingress Controllers are for simple traffic routing in a Kubernetes cluster. Gloo Gateway supports managing Ingress objects with the glooctl install ingress command. Gloo Gateway will configure Envoy using Kubernetes Ingress objects created by users. Learn more about Kubernetes Ingress.

Ingress Class

By default, Gloo Gateway ignores the kubernetes.io/ingress.class Ingress Class annotation on Ingresses, meaning that Gloo Gateway will enable routing for all detected Ingresses regardless of their ingress class.

To have Gloo Gateway respect the Ingress Class annotation (Gloo Gateway will only process Ingresses with the annotation kubernetes.io/ingress.class: gloo):

When Gloo Gateway is set to require ingress class, the value gloo can be customized to match any arbitrary value by doing one of the following:

This is useful when wishing to use multiple instances of the Gloo Gateway ingress controller in the same Kubernetes cluster.

If you need more advanced routing capabilities, we encourage you to use Gloo Gateway VirtualServices by installing as glooctl install gateway. See the remaining routing documentation for more details on the extended capabilities Gloo Gateway provides without needing to add lots of additional custom annotations to your Ingress Objects.

What you’ll need

Basic Ingress Object managed by Gloo Gateway


  1. The Gloo Gateway Ingress installed and running on Kubernetes.

  2. Next, deploy the Pet Store app to Kubernetes:

    kubectl apply \
      --filename https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo/v1.14.x/example/petstore/petstore.yaml
  3. Let’s create a Kubernetes Ingress object to route requests to the petstore:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply --filename -
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
     name: petstore-ingress
        # note: this annotation is only required if you've set 
        # REQUIRE_INGRESS_CLASS=true in the environment for 
        # the ingress deployment
        kubernetes.io/ingress.class: gloo
      - host: gloo.example.com
          - path: /.*
            pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                name: petstore
                  number: 8080

We’re specifying the host as gloo.example.com in this example. You should replace this with the domain for which you want to route traffic, or you may omit the host field to indicate all domains (*).

The domain will be used to match the Host header on incoming HTTP requests.

  1. Validate Ingress routing looks to be set up and running.

    kubectl get ingress petstore-ingress
    NAME               HOSTS              ADDRESS   PORTS   AGE
    petstore-ingress   gloo.example.com             80      14h
  2. Let’s test the route /api/pets using curl. First, we’ll need to get the address of Gloo Gateway’s Ingress proxy:

    INGRESS_URL=$(glooctl proxy url --name ingress-proxy)
    echo $INGRESS_URL
  3. Now we can access the petstore service through Gloo Gateway:

    curl -H "Host: gloo.example.com" ${INGRESS_URL}/api/pets

If you configure your DNS to resolve gloo.example.com to the Gloo Gateway proxy URL (e.g. by modifying your /etc/resolv.conf), you can omit the Host header in the command above, and instead use the command:

curl http://gloo.example.com/api/pets

TLS Configuration

Now if you want to use TLS with an Ingress Object managed by Gloo Gateway, here are the basic steps you need to follow.

  1. You need to have a TLS key and certificate available as a Kubernetes secret. Let’s create a self-signed one for our example using gloo.system.com domain.

    openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout my_key.key -out my_cert.cert -subj "/CN=gloo.example.com/O=gloo.example.com"

    And then you need to create a tls secret in your Kubernetes cluster that your Ingress can reference

    kubectl create secret tls my-tls-secret --key my_key.key --cert my_cert.cert
  2. If you want to add server-side TLS to your Ingress, you can add it as shown below. Note that it is important that the hostnames match in both the tls section and in the rules that you want to be covered by TLS.

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply --filename -
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
      name: petstore-ingress
        kubernetes.io/ingress.class: gloo
      - hosts:
        - gloo.example.com
        secretName: my-tls-secret
      - host: gloo.example.com
          - path: /.*
            pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                name: petstore
                  number: 8080
  3. To access our service, we’ll need to connect to the Gloo Gateway Ingress’s HTTPS port. Retrieve the HTTPS address like so:

    # get the IP:Port instead of the full URL this time
    INGRESS_HTTPS=$(glooctl proxy url --name ingress-proxy --port https | sed -n -e 's/^.*:\/\///p')
  4. Now we can access the petstore using end-to-end encryption like so:

    curl --cacert my_cert.cert --connect-to gloo.example.com:443:${INGRESS_HTTPS} https://gloo.example.com/api/pets

Next Steps

Great! Our ingress is up and running. Check out the official docs for more information on using Kubernetes Ingress Controllers.

For even greater routing capabilities, consider running Gloo Gateway in gateway mode alongside your Gloo Gateway ingress installation. Simply set up one Gloo Gateway instance in gateway mode and deploy another Gloo Gateway instance that can process Kubernetes ingress objects. You can set up both Gloo Gateway instances in the same cluster.